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居酒屋 sake bar Ippai

Thank you so much for your support for our last pop-up in the past month! 

To embrace the summer, we have a new pop-up 今夜も、もう一杯 "Again, one more glass tonight" with new concept and niche Japanese dishes, incorporating robatayaki, tempura and regional specialties. If you dare to try contemporary concepts as seen in Japan today, come experiment with us.

It will be a 4 to 5 course dinner at €40. We also offer our prestigious sake, cocktail, sochu and wine to suit our variety of dishes.

You can use the widget on the right bottom corner to make a reservation with us.

(Note: this is the not the chef's table booking. Chef's table (Kappou / themed dining) is reserved separately when there are available dates, and requires a deposit.)

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